5 Reasons Why Pizza Will Make You Happy!

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Your brain wants it
Your brain is programmed to desire calorically-dense foods; it’s a survival instinct. So, when you start to crave pizza, don’t feel guilty (ever!) that’s just your brain being hit with a little shot of dopamine at the thought of an energy-rich meal. That’s why it feels good to even think about eating pizza. 

The smell of pizza triggers happiness
A 2017 study confirmed that the smell of pizza sparks a happiness response. The outcome? Happiness peaked right when guests smelled the pizza for the first time (while it was baking, and coming out of the oven). Next time you sit down to enjoy your Sale Pepe pizza – remember that and smile!

Carbs = serotonin
Carbohydrates are essential for serotonin production. Which suggests that pizza helps to aid the making of happy juice. 

It’s a social food
Pizza is the most shared food going around town. Nothing is more social than opening a big box on the table, grabbing a slice, and eating it together.

It’s delicious.
No science necessary – that’s just a fact.